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Tips to Find the Best Plant for Office Floors

plant hire indoor

Plants serve multiple purposes in offices including decoration, air purification, stress busters, and more. However, there’re different plants for different areas in your office. For instance, you might need to install a different plant on your cabin desk than the one that goes on the floor.

Here, we will discuss some tips to choose the best plants that should go on the floor of your office.

  • Creating the right aura is an important parameter. So, the plant you choose should match the office’s environment. Take a look around and note things you see for areas you want to install plants. Note down the temperature conditions, exposure to direct sunlight, AC vents, and other factors to get plants that will survive there.
  • Since you will be keeping those plants in pots, you will need the ones that have a smaller root spread. The size of the pot you can place on the floor can help decide the right plant choices.
  • The aesthetics are important too. Check the décor around to decide what plants will look good. This includes finding the right form, height, and type of plant that will be aesthetically pleasing in your specific office interiors.
  • Take a note of the theme of the office to find the right matches. For instance, a snake plant will go well with a modern workspace when placed in a square concrete pot. Similarly, a woven pot carrying the Kentia Palm will work great in a period architecture setup with wooden flooring.

If you get confused in making the final selection, an indoor plant hire service can help. In addition, you can also use the service for regular maintenance of plants at your place.

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    Hi, my name is Sharon Isaiah Woods, and I work as an assistant professor of History at the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. I love writing blogs related to History and technology. I have created this blog so that you can easily share your views.

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