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How to convert and download videos from Facebook in MP4 format

There are a few different ways to convert a Facebook video to an MP4 file, depending on whether you want to download the video to your computer or save it directly to your device. Here are three options for converting a convert a Facebook video to an MP4:

Option 1: Use a Facebook Video Downloader

There are many online tools that allow you to download Facebook videos as MP4 files. To use one of these tools, you will need the URL of the video that you want to download. Here's how to find the URL of a Facebook video:

  1. Go to the Facebook video that you want to download.

  2. Right-click on the video and select "Show video URL."

  3. Copy the URL of the video.

  4. Go to a Facebook video downloader website, such as or

  5. Paste the URL of the video into the input field on the website.

  6. Click the "Download" or "Convert" button.

  7. Wait for the video to be processed, then select the "Download" or "Save" button to save the MP4 file to your computer or device.

Option 2: Use a Video Download Extension

If you don't want to use an online tool to download Facebook videos, you can use a video download extension for your web browser. These extensions allow you to download videos from a variety of websites, including Facebook. Here's how to use a video download extension:

  1. Install a video download extension for your web browser, such as Video DownloadHelper or

  2. Go to the Facebook video that you want to download.

  3. Click the video download extension icon in your browser's toolbar.

  4. Select the MP4 option from the list of available formats.

  5. Click the "Download" button to save the MP4 file to your computer or device.

Option 3: Use a Video Downloading App

If you want to download Facebook videos directly to your phone or tablet, you can use a video-downloading app. There are many video-downloading apps available for Android and iOS devices, such as TubeMate and Snaptube. To use a video downloading app:

  1. Install a video-downloading app on your phone or tablet.

  2. Open the app and go to the Facebook website.

  3. Find the video that you want to download and play it.

  4. Tap the "Download" button in the app to save the MP4 file to your device.

No matter which method you choose, it's important to remember that downloading copyrighted content from Facebook or any other website may be illegal in your country. Be sure to respect the intellectual property rights of others and only download videos that are in the public domain or for which you have permission from the copyright holder.