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A robot will explore the tunnel under the Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Teotihuacan

After the recent discovery of a tunnel under the Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Teotihuacan , a robot (the first one used in Mexico for archaeological purposes) is already ready with the intention of exploring and discovering if the hypothesis that they can be found buried there The rulers of Teotihuacan is true or not.

Image result for Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Teotihuacan

The first images of the interior of the tunnel were shown today to the press, which marks a milestone in the history of archaeological excavations in Mexico and the Americas. It is the first time in the history of Mexican archeology and the second in the world after Egypt, in which a robot participates in an archaeological investigation.

Tlaloque I, the name of the robot, traveled the first sections of a tunnel through which no one had traveled for at least 800 thousand years. The images he recorded show stability and make it feasible for researchers to enter the pre-Hispanic conduit, built over two thousand years ago by the ancient Teotihuacans to represent the underworld. Previously with the use of a georradar it was determined with precision that the tunnel leads to three chambers, where eventually the remains of important characters could rest.

Archaeologist Sergio Gómez Chávez, director of the Tlalocan Project commented that:
” The entire duct, more than 100 meters long, is perfectly excavated in the rock, in some parts you can see the marks of the tools with which the Teotihuacans did it, the tunnel roof is domed and at least the part that the robot traveled is stable, which gives us many possibilities that in the coming weeks we can physically enter to explore it. Although the tunnel is filled with earth and stones, the robot was able to travel a few meters through a small space of just 25 centimeters high, which is between the roof and the dusty part. We are calculating that by the end of this month or the beginning of December we will have removed a part of the land that is blocking access and then we can already enter. It was also possible to observe in greater detail the large carved stones inside the tunnel. Apparently it is perfectly carved sculptures or rocks, of great dimensions and weight, which were introduced by the Teotihuacans to close the access between the years 200 and 250 AD, that is, approximately 1,800 years ago.

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