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Basic Information on Indoor Plants

Melbourne indoor plants hire

One of the most interesting facts about indoor plants is the amount of little water and light to grow and survive. Moreover, indoor plants come in different types where every type has its own version of cleaning procedures. Moreover, indoor plant enthusiasts love to improve the beauty of their interior home by keeping a few. You can learn more indoor plants with the help of these facts.

Based on the Qualities

  1. Thick foliage instead of thin is considered to be a healthy indoor plant.
  2. Roots that are thick and visible to our eyes is a clear indication the plant is healthy.
  3. Indication of a healthy plant means, it is free from diseases with symptoms like presence of white dots, bad odor, sticky residues etc. A weak plant is will face these issues.

Based on the Types that Require Minimum Water and Light

  1. Peace Lily – Peace Lily is the type of indoor plant that grows well under moist conditions. No doubt, this plant will grow under well moist conditions. However, you should ensure you are not adding too much of water.
  2. Dracaena – If you prefer beautiful long green leaves, then you should choose the Dracaena.
  3. Philodendron – Indoor plant enthusiasts love the Philodendron for many reasons. One of the reasons is that less flies and insects get attracted to this plant. Another reason is the less need for cleaning rather than cleaning different types of plants on regular basis.

Consider doing indoor plants hire in Melbourne to learn more information.