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Causes Of An Itchy Rash – Why You Have An Itchy Skin Rash?

Today you will learn about the causes of itchy rash and answer the question, why do I have an itchy rash. Do you experience symptoms of itchy skin, symptoms of an itchy scalp, or symptoms of an itchy rash?

It should also be noted that the following 3 causes are not commonly known in conventional medicine and this is why so many people continue to suffer.

Modern doctors condemn this cause of ignorance, but most importantly, it has been established in alternative medicine as the main cause of the symptoms of an itchy rash. You can also consult a dermatologist to get the best rashes and itchy skin treatment.

3 possible causes of an itchy rash

1) Parasites – Most people don't know how often parasites cause health problems to their bodies. In fact, most people have some form of parasitic infection.

One of the most common parasite symptoms is skin problems, especially a rash. It is advisable to get tested or diagnosed, but it is even better to do a parasite cleanse as most blood tests will rarely tell you whether parasites are in your body as most of them live in the tissue itself.

2) Undiagnosed allergic reaction – Many people also experience an undiagnosed allergic reaction that can cause a rash. Often times, this reaction can be caused by foods that you eat and take lightly on a daily basis, such as milk, wheat, soy, corn, and more. After food is removed from the diet, there may be changes in which the individual sees significant improvement.

3) Malnutrition – However, often the main cause of an itchy rash is malnutrition. When proper nutrition, often a combination of EMA, zinc, and biotin, is given, a person can see rapid improvement, and often the rash goes away.