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Commercial Misting Systems Keep Businesses With An Outdoor Element In The Cool

With the summer months approaching and warmer temperatures, businesses from outdoor restaurants to car washes to outdoor shopping malls need to keep their customers cool and comfortable. Faced with this challenge, many business owners are turning to advanced fog systems, including outdoor fogging, to keep things cool. Fog options come in many shapes and forms, but commercial mist systems are the best for keeping outdoor options open for your business and its customers throughout the summer.

Temperatures in the southwest desert regularly hit triple digits, but that doesn't stop diners from eating out. For restaurant owners and other business owners in the region, a great fog system is a recognized part of doing business so as to keep your patrons cool & comfortable

Misting fan cooling patio

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While fog fans or other options are better suited for smaller spaces, commercial mist systems can produce up to six cooling fans per tonne of evaporative cooling, making them ideal for large spaces and even more people. A common complaint about outdoor hardware systems is the tendency for their users to feel damp, if not wet. 

The bottom line is that the misting system should not make your guests feel like they have to wear a bathing suit. In contrast, most of the best indoor commercial decks have a 1000 psi pump that creates fast evaporation with no residual moisture. The end result is a cooler as well as drier climate. The commercial misting system has proven to be a valuable asset for companies with an outside service element.