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CoolSculpting: Eliminating Fat Bulges Without Surgery

CoolSculpting can reduce areas that are difficult to reach with diet and exercise: love handles, lower belly fat rolls, upper belly fat, muffin top, under bra fat and back fat. It’s an incredibly effective technique that improves the contour of the body.

How is this possible? The FDA-cleared CoolSculpting via works through a revolutionary technology called cryolipolysis. During cryolipolysis, literally meaning “cold induced fat destruction,” fat cells are cooled to a temperature that causes them to be eliminated. The procedure is very safe: the temperature required to destroy fat cells is higher than what would cause damage to skin, muscle and nerves. With CoolSculpting, there is no damage to the surrounding structures.

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During the procedure, the physician applies a skin protecting gel pad to the skin, and a CoolSculpting applicator is positioned over the desired treatment area. The device draws the fat bulge in, and cools down the fat to induce cryolipolysis, continuously monitoring the temperature and adjusting it as needed.

Unlike liposuction, in which the fat cells are suctioned out of the body, the CoolSculpting treatment causes the body to naturally eliminate the fat cells through the lymphatic drainage system. The cells are then slowly excreted by the body over a period of the next several months.

With CoolSculpting, treatment of each fat bulge typically takes one hour to perform. Love handles may take two to four hours of treatment; the lower abdomen usually takes about one hour using a special larger applicator. However, each case is different the patient/physician should discuss this prior to the procedure.

As opposed to liposuction, no anesthesia is necessary for CoolSculpting. During the procedure, patients can even use their telephone or laptop, read a book or watch a movie. The only discomfort patients may feel while undergoing CoolSculpting is a sensation of someone pinching or squeezing the fat when the device is first applied to the skin. This usually goes away in the first five minutes of the procedure.