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Dental Composite Bonding: What Is It?

Dental composites are all the rage these days! Dental composite bonding is a material used during the tooth restoration process. The material uses an adhesive to fill in gaps and cracks on the tooth, which can make it much stronger than before.

What is Dental Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding for teeth is a type of dental restoration that uses a layer of plastic or other material to replace missing teeth. This material is then bonded to the surrounding teeth using a special adhesive. Composite bonding is a popular option for people who have lost teeth in the upper jaw (maxilla). It's also a good choice for people who have trouble biting down on solid foods because their teeth are too close together.

dental bonding

Why Should You Get Composite Bonding Done?
Composite bonding is a type of dental restoration that uses a variety of materials to create a cohesive bond between tooth and restoration. The benefits of composite bonding include: 
  • Improved aesthetics.
  • Increased stability.
  • Enhanced function.

One of the main benefits of composite bonding is that it's a reversible process. If you decide you no longer want your composite bonding done, you can simply have the material removed and your teeth will look and feel their best again. Composite bonding is also a very affordable restoration option, making it a good choice for people on a budget.