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Electric Water Pumps Are Vital To Modern Life

Millions of electric water pumps are used worldwide every day. Today, water is used for everything from garbage disposal to garden fountains, so the need for pumps is increasing all the time. They come in dozens of sizes and capacities, making them ideal for almost any water project. For most applications, they can almost always be purchased locally, but larger, more specialized pumps must be made to order.

However, larger pumps often have to be ordered for larger applications. There are many online retailers that can help you find quality pumps for agricultural applications. Because they are designed to withstand loads of these intense applications, larger pumps are usually much more expensive than housing pumps.

Pumping Applications - Agriculture & Irrigation - DAE Pumps

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Water pumps are designed to move water from one place to another. The distance the water must travel is directly related to the size and capacity of the pump required. For most home applications, these pumps do not need to be very large, as the amount of water to be transferred is relatively small and the distances are quite close. 

In a swimming pool, for example, water only needs to flow through a few short pipes to the filter and then back into the pool. Garden fountains are almost identical. In this case, most pond and fountain pumps rarely exceed 1-2 horsepower. 

There are also electric water pumps designed for much more intense commercial operation. These pumps are usually much larger and heavier than traditional swimming pools. They are primarily designed to move large volumes of water, with some pumps capable of handling more than 5,000 gallons of water per minute.