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Facts About A High Efficient Road Marking Service

The need to improve safety, road markings are the greatest impact on road users in all directions and information while traveling, especially at night. Less than a hundred years ago, the first road markings were officially recognized as road assistance. You can search more details about lane characterizing through

Facts About A High Efficient Road Marking Service

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Thermoplastics have been the solution to the UK road marking market for many years as they are relatively easy to use in most conditions, 12 months of the year.

In the late 1990s, thermoplastic road marking materials were established to meet the material recipe and application thickness in tender documents. In the case of reflectivity, this is achieved by the percentage and type of glass bead in the mixture and first applied to a new marker surface.

The inability to hold the glass bead applied to the surface and the vehicle's tendency to tilt so that the glass bead is stuck in the material in some cases results in the product not providing adequate reflection at night.

Effect of changes in performance standards

The steady decline in the standard of materials used and the development of road marking services in the late 1970s and 1980s was due to increased competition, underinvestment in staff training, and the focus of the central government on reducing costs. It is estimated that the cost of road marking in 2006 did not increase significantly since the previous period.