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Fundamental Golf Swing Tips for The Beginners

As the golf course will get underway, now's the opportunity to get "golf prepared." It matters not if you're a beginner or an advanced golfer, then it's always a fantastic idea to examine and practice the fundamentals of the entire golf swing. 

If you take only a couple of minutes every day to exercise, mimic and simulate the golf swing fundamentals with the Skytrak launch monitor & simulator software for better results. Whether in the home, at a hotel, or exercising, you'll discover your golf swing basics are going to be set up whenever you're prepared to hit the program.

Below is a fast overview of the golf swing fundamentals for right-handed golfers. Exercise or mimic the golf swing fundamentals whenever and where you can and get a head start for your golfing course!

Golf Swing Setup

1. Assume an "athletic" place and make sure you're balanced. Your bodyweight should lie at the center of your toes

2. Stretch your upper body in the shoulders around 30 levels to help put the ideal spine angle into the floor.

3. Flex your knees slightly and keep your spine straight with your chin up off your torso.

4. Let your injuries hang loosely from the shoulders.

5. Set your feet shoulder-width apart for more irons (5, 6, 7 irons), less than shoulder-width apart for wedges and shorter irons plus slightly wider than your shoulders to get longer irons (2, 3, 4 irons) and forests.

Using these tips, you can learn the golf game in no time.