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How Can You Address Digestive Problems, Naturally

Do you suffer from digestive problems? Gastrointestinal symptoms, such as heartburn, bloating, and constipation, maybe an occasional occurrence or an indication of a more serious condition, such as a gastrointestinal disorder or disease. 

While health conditions should always be addressed with the help of your healthcare provider, learning about lifestyle approaches that support your gastrointestinal system with the best digestive supplements from that will provide strength and power to your body.

Addressing digestive problems

Generally, addressing digestive problems involves avoiding or minimizing factors that are known to impair gastrointestinal health, while making lifestyle changes that support the gastrointestinal system. 

Evidence-based tips for gastrointestinal health are outlined below; however, it’s important to consult your integrative healthcare practitioner for help addressing your individual digestive problems.

Foods that help digestion

The best dietary components and best foods for digestion include:

  • Dietary fiber, found in whole grains and vegetables, increases stool bulk and shortens transit time in the GI tract

  • Polyphenols, plant compounds found in berries, cocoa, grapes, and tea, can reach the colon and be metabolized by microbiota

  • Prebiotics, substances found in a variety of fruit, vegetables, and grains, which are fermented by microbiota in the colon and reduce the severity and risk of infectious, inflammatory, and functional gastrointestinal conditions 

  • Probiotics, found in foods such as cultured yogurt and fermented foods, provide beneficial bacteria that improve gastrointestinal health 

An overall dietary pattern that focuses on increasing plant-based foods and moderating red meat intake may help improve microbial diversity and regulate bowel habits in individuals with IBD, as well as reduce colon cancer risk.