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How to Set Up Your Facebook Chatbot?

What is Facebook Messenger Bot? How to put Facebook ChatBots to use for business. Achieving your business goals with a good Facebook chatbot requires a little more planning.

First, pick a purpose for your bot.

Goal I. Increase Conversions & Client Retention.

Goal II. Increase Conversions & Productivity. Goal II involves the implementation of the Messenger Chatbot which allows you to chat with customers, prospects, and business partners through their Messenger Chat. The chatbot can do this with you by using an existing Messenger channel. The Messenger channel is a very simple and fast way of chatting to friends. With this tool, your message will be received immediately and the conversation will flow smoothly. This chatbot is completely customized so that it can handle all kinds of messaging and it also uses the standard chat message types for you.

Another part of Goal II is making the Bot compatible with the existing chat features of Facebook such as MMS, SMS, and video. This is very important especially if you want to make it easier for people to be able to chat with you through various platforms. You should have your Messenger chatbot running on Facebook at least one month before you release it. You should test it in Messenger chat and see if it can handle all kinds of messages.

Thirdly, you should start automating the Facebook Chatbot. It will not help if you use it once, but if you think that you have learned how to use it properly, you should set up the script or application in Messenger Chat and then add this script to the Facebook Chatbot. Once the Facebook Chatbot is set up, it will automatically answer all questions it is asked and it will respond to the commands you input through text messages.

Fourthly, set up the goal is automation. There are a number of scripts and applications that automate the whole process. Some scripts and applications are actually more effective than others, so you need to check them out and try them to find out which ones are reliable and effective.

Once you have automated the Facebook Chatbot, set the default settings, and set up some basic functions such as sending a message and sending emails. When you start seeing results, make sure that you keep on monitoring its performance because it is vital to improving.

So these are the main points you need to know about setting up goal III. Once the goals are set and the Messenger Chatbot is running, you need to continue with automation to increase productivity. When you notice improvements, you can move towards the automation part and once the results start showing, continue with the automation.

You need to set the automation point in the first place so that there is no room for mistakes and you need to make sure that everything is automated. If you forget one step, you might end up having a bot that does not perform well even though the steps are automated. You need to be careful and make sure that everything is done in the right order and that all the automation is set.

After that, you need to test the program by actually using it. You need to make sure that everything is working right and you need to be sure that it can handle all kinds of messages you need to use.

Finally, you need to keep on testing new features that come out for new ones, especially if the previous ones do not work since that means you have made some improvements.

When you use these tips, you should be able to have a Facebook Messenger Bot that can handle messages efficiently, is able to automate some aspects and it can also handle various other aspects of chat. The more you can automate it, the more time you will have to spend on it and therefore, the more profits you will get from it. The more time you will have to focus on the business and not on the chat.