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Traveling on a Budget a Backpackers Wild Dream


Traveling on a budget is not easy. There is careful planning involved and one should be game enough to face any sudden problems arising in finding a place to stay in a new place. However, a backpackers traveling bag is his comfort zone. Traveling alone and on a low budget means you have to carry your essentials on your shoulders at all times so just in case you find yourself in a  situation where a bunk bed is not available or the booking staff has gone to sleep, you can spend the night on the bench and still feel at home. The essentials for a backpackers to have in his bag are few but important.

Documents – Have a separate wallet or organizer for your essential documents. You can in at no cost lose any of them while your stay at twenty different hostels in a city. Your documents should always be handy and close to you.

Toiletries – Your toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo and a handy towel are all you need to freshen up right when you want.

A duvet – a duvet can be turned into a sheet or a mattress as required. It can become bedding on a plank bench and a shrug on a night out. So when you are preparing your bags, do find yourself a nice, warm, light weight duvet to accompany you on your trip.

OTC medicines – it is important to carry necessary medicines on a trip. Language barrier in many small towns can lead to extreme inconvenience in getting a certain painkiller or sugar control pill. So do take time to prepare your medicine organizer before you set off.

Thailand is a backpackers’ haven and Ao Nang Hostels provide a wonderful experience to young lone travelers.