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Advice On Dog Grooming

If you hire a professional groomer, it can be very expensive. Some dog breeds require high maintenance procedures than others.

If you have a dog that spends most of its time in outdoor activities, you should give a good bath at least once a month. Make sure that you get a good quality shampoo that will get rid of fleas and ticks and other small creatures that hide in the coat. If you are looking for dog grooming in Durham, NC then you can explore various online sources.

If you are going to do it yourself, then at least spend the extra money for good quality shampoo products that can be purchased in pet stores specifically, and avoid the inexpensive stuff you will find in the pet department at discount stores.

Nail trimming can be tricky, but if you learn where to make the cut, which is right on the curve, you will eliminate the bleeding or discomfort to your dog.  One of the newer gadgets to give your dog a pedicure employs a small electric grinding wheel, that nail file quickly and without much resistance from the dog.

Dog grooming at home is not too difficult. Intricate parts are a trim haircut and nail, but this work can be mastered after a little practice. I would recommend buying a guide book good dog care if you have just started. After a few times to do it yourself job will be easier and go faster.