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How to protect commission fees from Import/Export agent?

In simple terms, an import export agent is that the middleman who bridges the gap between a buyer and a seller. Their main motive is to bring the simplest and most optimum price for his or her client who can either be a buyer/seller of a product/ service.

In fact, if you're taking our word for it, then becoming an import export agent is that the best thanks to start during this wide import-export industry. Wondering why? Enlisted below are all the reasons:

It helps you create good money:

A successful import export agent makes money supported their skillset. There are variety of key skills which may assist you make extra money as an agent. The key skill is to spot all the various sources of income and check out to earn from them. we'll discuss the ways to form extra money and protect your commission within the further parts of this text.

It helps you build a robust professional network:

With the passage of your time, supported your skillset and diligence an import export agent can build a really wide professional network of buyers and sellers. This ensures your clients still get the simplest prices which eventually mean they stay future.

Now that we all know about the benefits of beginning as an import export agent, allow us to have a glance at the varied means of income by which they will earn an honest sum.

Commission fees:

This is the simplest and therefore the best thanks to make money for an import export agent. There are often variety of various services you'll provide like referrals, cheaper warehouse storage, higher sales, and brokerage fees then on. Mind you, there are often a commission for each service you offer and each service you offer can earn you a commission.


Consultation fees:

The local also as international companies trying to setup their business during a new country or region usually require an import export agent to advise them on the market blueprint. Such opportunities are good to charge consultation fees. Moreover, if you've got any additional services to supply during this regard and if the corporate is impressed by you then they could consider collaborating with you on long-term basis.

Customer Representation and Marketing:

There are often organizations which will pay you to become the face of their company within the market. Thus, you've got to plug their services or products, get them higher profits and represent them to potential dealers and buyers. this is often how you'll make money by representing and marketing your customers.

Though one develops skills required to speak and affect their clients, there's a high risk that you simply get a meagre or null commission fee for all the diligence you set in. this is often very true once you are a replacement comer or once you initially enter a new market.

We have curated the subsequent list of checkpoints by which you'll protect your commission in import- export business.

Seal the affect a solid commission agreement in place:

A commission contract is that the legal and best method of protecting your money for the efforts you're fixing. We strongly advise you to sign one such commission contract with the parties involved. Additionally, confirm you include the subsequent two documents:

Representative Agreement:

Representative Agreement is of utmost importance to an import export agent. It should contain the subsequent details:


  • Cost price or asking price of the merchandise or service.
  • Commission rates which were pre-decided.
  • The contract periods.
  • Seller/ Buyer details.
  • Commission Agent details
  • Commission fee per the unit of quantity.
  • The representative authority and country law.
  • Payment method, bank details, timing and currency
  • Penalties just in case of contract breach.

NDA or Non- Disclosure Agreement

A Non- Disclosure Agreement or an NDA is vital to guard your i.e., an agent’s long-term interests. This prevents both the parties from signing a deal without you knowing it. this suggests that an NDA ensures that the parties involved within the deal don't directly approach one another without your knowledge. A notification / clause of an equivalent is to be mentioned within the Representative Agreement too.

Mind you there's just one of the 2 things that any businessman needs when dealing during a market – to shop for something at a coffee cost or to sell their product at a high cost. As long as you get them the simplest deal available within the market, they're sure to stay! The above contract agreement is simply to stay your deal in situ and avoid any discrepancy.

Now, if you are looking for an export consultant, you might want to consider FD Associates as they have much experience on this field.