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The Ultimate Restorative Dentistry Option to Restore your Oral Function

With the development of medical science, many disciplines of dentistry have emerged, one of which is the popular restorative dentistry. It is integrated management of oral health problems and helps restore the oral cavity to a functional state.

In restorative dental procedures, there are several options that the patient can choose from or suggested by the dentist. It is helpful to understand these options to get the best results from the recovery procedure.

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Let's find out some options for restorative dentistry:

1. Filling with material

The most common treatment method in restorative dentistry is to remove tooth decay and fill the tooth with one of many different materials. One visit to the practice is sufficient for this restorative dentistry procedure. The dentist who treats your tooth can choose from a variety of filing options depending on the type and location of the filling.

2. Crown

A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed on the tooth used to strengthen and protect the structure of your teeth. The tooth is prepared and the impression is taken by your dentist. The structure is then sent to a laboratory, where specialists will make the crown.

3. Dental implants

Dental implants are one of the most popular treatment methods in restorative dentistry. Dental implants are used to preserve one or more dentures.