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Establishing a Routine to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night

Most babies wake up at the end of the sleep cycle when they are hungry, unwell, or have trouble breathing. Studies show that waking up between sleep cycles is a vital survival mechanism. 

When a baby's sleep state is so deep that it cannot communicate its needs, its well-being can be compromised. That's why parents shouldn't feel pressured when trying to get their newborn to sleep too long, too deep, or too early. 

Between 3 and 6 months of age, sleep patterns usually begin to emerge and babies can sleep for five hours or more. If you want to improve your baby’s sleep, then you can find the trusted in-home baby sleep consultant in Gold Coast.

For most parents, the two main issues are getting their baby to sleep and fall asleep. Some babies fall asleep easily and stay asleep, while others fall asleep easily but wake up frequently. Some babies have trouble falling asleep but sleep through the night while others won't sleep or fall asleep. 

Babies who sleep well at six months of age may experience sleep disturbances as they grow up and vice versa. There are a variety of reasons why babies don't get enough sleep, but knowing about the different stages of sleep and what to do if your baby wakes up during the night can help.