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The Benefits Of Concrete Recycling

Concrete recycling is the practice of turning concrete and other components into new concrete products. This process is used to reduce waste, use less natural resources for production, and save money. Find out the benefits that come with this process in this blog article!

What is Concrete Recycling?

concrete recycling is the process of breaking down old concrete and using it to create new concrete. It’s a great way to reuse material that would otherwise end up in a landfill.

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Here are some of the top benefits of concrete recycling:

1. Reduces landfill waste

2. Saves energy

3. Conserves natural resources

4. Creates jobs

5. Supports sustainable development

How Much Do You Save by Recycling Your Concrete?

When you recycle your concrete, you can save on the amount of material that you would otherwise have to dispose of. In addition, recycling your concrete can also help to cut down on the costs associated with hauling away and disposing of waste materials.

Common Types of Concrete

  • The most common type of concrete is Portland cement concrete, which is made with cement, aggregate (usually gravel and sand), and water.
  • Another common type of concrete is asphalt concrete, which is made with asphalt, aggregate, and water. 
  • The third type of concrete is fiber-reinforced concrete, which is made with cement, aggregate, water, and fibers (usually steel or glass). 

There are several benefits to recycling concrete instead of sending it to a landfill:

1. Saves space in landfills

2. Saves energy

3. Reduces emissions from the manufacturing process

4. Creates new jobs


In short, concrete recycling is a great way to reduce your environmental impact while also saving money and resources.