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The Best HR Compliance Training On The Web

With the increasing focus on compliance in the workplace, it’s important to find training that will help your employees understand their responsibilities and comply with HR regulations. Check out our list of the best HR compliance training websites to find the right course for your company.

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What is HR Compliance Training?

The best HR compliance training on the web is offered by The Compliance Institute. They offer courses covering a variety of topics, such as anti-corruption and whistleblower protections, human resources law, employment law, and more. Their training is highly rated and has been used by organizations in a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, and technology. 

Another excellent source of HR compliance training is the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Their online courses cover a broad range of topics related to labor relations, including employee rights and responsibilities, union organizing, decertification elections, and more. NLRB courses are well respected by lawyers and HR professionals alike and can provide valuable information for those who want to learn about labor law issues from an objective perspective. 

Finally, it’s important to remember that not all HR compliance training is created equal. Some providers may offer flashy websites or course material that isn’t always practical or relevant. It’s important to research the various options available before making a decision about which course to take.