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Thumb Sucking – How to Overcome This Behavior

Thumb sucking is a behavior that is found in many children from a very tender age. Reasons may vary from hunger, comfort, pleasure, and safety. Many outgrow this habit in a short time, while for the other parents need to give a helping hand to quit this habit. Letting the child continue thumb sucking gives rise to dental problems, which is why it needs to be stopped.

Here are some ways by which parents can help children cope with the thumb sucking:

1. Awareness – let him/her know the impact on their teeth and that it is also not good social behavior. This will make them realize that he/she has been involved in something that is not true.

2. Get a thumb guard – thumb guard simple glove that protects only the thumb and prevents the child from sucking it. Encourage the child to wear a thumb guard until the habit is stopped.

You can click over here if you want to buy a thumb sucking guard.

Stop Thumb Sucking - Aqua (Ages 2-4 years old)

3. Caution – many times have seen that it requires the child’s attention and thumb-sucking habit. Give the child more attention and eventually, the child will get rid of the habit.

4. Reward children – mutual respect and child when he/she does not suck your thumb can be a motivating factor for the child to stop sucking her thumb.

5. Disorders – thumb sucking is conscious behavior and as such children do not realize that he/she is sucking her thumb. Distract the child when you see the thumb sucking by giving them activities that use both hands.