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Tips for Selling Your Car in Riyadh

Many people simply replace their old vehicle with a newer model. Buyers who are unable to trade their vehicles choose to donate their car to family or friends at a discounted price. If you're serious about selling vehicles these days, you'll need to be more professional and aware of the different scams that aim to defraud you. 

If you want to sell a vehicle you can consult a used car inspection company in RiyadhBe sure to clean the carpet and take the time to remove dirt from small corners such as air vents. 

Here are the tips for selling your car:

1. Have a clean and tidy car – 

It is best to go to a specialist, but if you have the patience to spend a few hours cleaning yourself, you will save money. Just make sure you clean the car as possible, including the trunk and engine compartment. 

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2. Make sure your car is in good mechanical condition – 

Get rid of bumps, clanks, and strange noises coming from the engine, drive train, or suspension. It could be the little things that change the bushing or the setting will be removed.

Change engine oil 1 week before you sell your car, fill coolant and windshield washer tanks, and brake/clutch fluid tanks.

3. Fair Selling Price – 

Many factors determine the price of a vehicle. Keep in mind that many car owners usually price their car more than it costs. The biggest determining factor for price is the car's mileage compared to the same make and model in the same year. 

As a final step, clean your car with wax to restore some shine to the paint.