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Tips For Using Your Outdoor Pool Area In The Cold Weather

When you have invested in a custom-designed landscape and pool, you'll like to make use of your outdoor space as often as you can. With the addition of amenities like fire pits, fireplaces, and outdoor heating systems as well as proper lighting, you'll be enjoying your backyard any time during the winter months. You can find the custom pool enclosures  through online sites.

custom pool enclosures

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Outside Heating Systems

To provide maximum warmth to your customized swimming pool outdoor heating system is extremely efficient. Available in electric and gas designs, these heaters come in various diameters, based on their dimensions, some having the capacity to heat the entire area of 20 feet.

The larger heaters sit in the dirt, however, they are usually equipped with wheels, so they can easily be moved around to particular areas of your outdoor area for entertaining. Safety features are integrated into the majority of models and include anti-tilt switches to ensure that the heater shuts off in the event of tipping or getting hit by.

Pool Enclosures 

If your neighbors are getting ready for winter maintenance of their pool, you might be able to keep using your pool if it's located inside a swimming enclosure. With the option of an enclosure that is attached to your home or freestanding, you will get the benefit of protecting your pool against the weather. A heated enclosure makes sure that the area surrounding your pool remains pleasant and warm throughout the year.