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Tools Every Computer Repair Technician Should Keep

If computers are the lifeline of how the world works practically in modern times, computer servicing technician (s) are the "experts" who shall ensure that the lifeline is in shape and being executed.

Considered one of the most jobs "high precision", repairing the computer takes a lot of responsibility and accuracy of performance. Here are some "must-have" computer repair tools all computer repair technicians must keep in his arsenal.

computer technician tool kits

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1. Standard screwdriver (nonmagnetic)

Screwdriver high-quality range of sizes and also one with several shaft lengths are indispensable tools in the arsenal of any computer repair technician. With different flat head screwdrivers sizes are also essential.

2. Multi-tester/voltmeter

The most common use of multi-tester tests is power supplies, which includes stress testing, continuity, resistance, among many others, whereas, a voltmeter is used to measure voltage only.

3. ATX Power Supply Tester

This is one of the most essential tools for the repair of the computer that specifies whether the power is the output power; while providing a functional terminal that can easily test the voltage with a multi-tester/voltmeter.

4. Cable testers

Cable testers, computer use, and time savings are easy to manage. Although there are other methods such as replacing cables (for testing) with a good cable "recognized", cable testers are a must-have for the arsenal of any computer repair technician.