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What to Know Before Buying Marijuana Clones in Los Angeles

If you have a favourite strain and you want to try your hand at growing it yourself, you can easily duplicate it through a process called cloning.

Cloning is the process of snipping off sections of a healthy marijuana plant and allowing them to take root as completely new marijuana plants. The clone itself is either a cutting or severed part of a plant that grows roots, which will eventually turn into a genetic duplicate of its original donor. Ultimately, all plants, including marijuana, contain essential information to reconstruct the entire plant.


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Following are some of the important things you should know before making a purchase:

  • Whether you visit a marijuana dispensary or buy marijuana clones for sale, you should make sure that the strains are reliable, potent, and high-quality. 
  • It's also important to know that the clones contain absolutely zero pests, diseases, viruses, and bacteria. 
  • Additionally, the marijuana clones should have clearly visible developed root systems, otherwise, they're not worth buying.
  • The marijuana clones should also be priced reasonably, especially if you're a state-registered medical marijuana patient. They should also come with a money-back guarantee, in case any issues arise.
  • Whether you're a medical patient, caregiver, or recreational user, it's important to go through a secure and safe in-person pickup. 
  • Lastly, marijuana dispensary or collective should offer significant diversity regarding clone prices, sizes, and genetics.