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Breast Lift And Breast Augmentation

As we get older, we see a lot of changes in our bodies. Women may notice their breasts begin to sag or loosen. Some women choose to undergo a type of plastic surgery called breast augmentation. 

Others prefer to have their breasts enlarged with implants. Each procedure is a basic operation. If someone has already chosen this procedure, they need to know the facts first.

A breast lift, technically called a mastopexy is a surgery designed to remove breast tissue and make the breasts bigger and firmer. Women can think of it when they feel their breasts fall or sag, or when they sag unevenly. 

breast lift and augmentation

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Candidates for breast lift surgery are women who are healthy and of normal weight. It is also important not to smoke. A breast lift does not increase breast size. There is another type of plastic surgery, breast augmentation, that does this.

During removal, the tissue is removed or reshaped and the areola can be removed. Lifting can be done alone or in combination with enlargement.

In the case of enlargement, implants are used, which can be made of silicone or saline solution. Both a breast lift and a breast augmentation cause pain, swelling, and bruising that can last for at least a few weeks.

Additionally, implants can affect mammography results. You should discuss all possible risks with your surgeon. It is also important for someone taking this into account to choose a qualified and certified plastic surgeon.