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Know More About First Aid Kit

Many inexpensive first aid kits are so simple that they provide little assistance in cases of emergency. Be sure that any kit you purchase is complete. If you do purchase a kit that only contains band aids, tape and some gauze, add some items of your own to complete the kit.

So what makes a good first aid kit? A good kit contains a diverse and complete supply of first aid items needed for emergencies such as sanitizing products, bandages and tape, a first aid guide, splints, medicine, and lotions such as sunscreen and lip ointment.

Many complete first aid kits are sold online or may be assembled yourself, though the cost of building your own kit may be greater than purchasing a pre-assembled kit. If you decide to build a kit yourself, keep in mind where the kit will be stored and build the kit according to potential emergencies that may present themselves in the immediate area where the kit will be stored.

Sanitizing items such as alcohol pads and antibiotic ointment are the first priority when treating a wound or injury. Wounds must be cleaned with effective sterilization equipment before they are bandaged to avoid infection. Infection can be a silent attacker in injuries that can add to the severity of the injury. Be sure to keep enough sterilization supplies in your first aid kit.

Once the injury is cleaned properly, sterile bandages are applied to keep the injury clean, support it and protect it from further injury. Include bandages of various sizes in your first aid kit. You may have to add bandages of different sizes to a simple commercial first aid kit. Only having band aids in the kit does not adequately prepare you for injuries.