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Botox – A Beauty Secret That Really Works

Botox is a cosmetic procedure that can help people with a variety of skin conditions, including wrinkles, acne scars, and excessive facial sweating. Botox is most commonly used on the face, but it can also be used in other areas of the body. Botox works by blocking nerve impulses, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles and lines.

Botox, a type of neurotoxin, is FDA-approved to treat cosmetic frown lines between the eyebrows and crow's feet. The toxin blocks nerve cells from transmitting messages. Cosmetic doctors use botox in Honolulu at Reneux Med & Day Spa to reduce wrinkles, but it's also used off-label for other reasons such as reducing hyperactivity in children and treating migraines.

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Some of the benefits of Botox include:

Reduction in wrinkles: Wrinkles form when the skin pulls inwards and creates folds. Botox works by blocking nerve cells from transmitting messages which causes these folds to disappear.

Reducing hyperactivity: Hyperactivity is often a sign of ADHD or autism spectrum disorder. Blocking nerve cells can help reduce this hyperactivity by calming the brain down.

Treating migraine headaches: Migraine headaches are caused by changes in blood flow to your head. Botox can block these blood vessels and stop the pain from occurring.

Some things to keep in mind during your treatment include: 

Be patient:

Botox takes time to work and results can vary from person to person. 

Avoid sun exposure:

The light can cause Botox to break down prematurely, leading to less effective treatment outcomes. 

Drink plenty of fluids:

During and after treatment, you may feel thirsty and need to drink lots of water or juice to replenish lost salts and minerals. 

Avoid smoking:

Smoking can aggravate skin conditions such as acne and rosacea, making them worse.

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