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The Role of Carbon Dioxide Capture in Carbon Trading

Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) is a key component of carbon trading systems, which are designed to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and combat climate change. CCS is a process by which carbon dioxide is collected and stored, either in the atmosphere or underground, and can be used as a form of offsetting emissions from sources such as power plants, factories, or vehicles. If you want to know about carbon dioxide capture you can visit

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CCS is an important part of carbon trading systems because it helps to reduce the amount of GHGs released into the atmosphere. Carbon trading systems allow companies and individuals to buy and sell credits for GHG emissions, which helps to incentivize emissions reduction. By capturing and storing carbon dioxide, companies can reduce their emissions and gain credits, which can then be sold to other companies or individuals looking to offset their emissions.

In addition to helping to reduce emissions, CCS also helps to reduce the costs associated with carbon trading. By capturing and storing carbon dioxide, companies can avoid paying for carbon permits or credits, which can be expensive. This helps to make carbon trading more affordable for companies and individuals.

Overall, CCS is an important part of carbon trading systems, as it can help to reduce emissions, reduce costs, and incentivize emissions reductions. Furthermore, CCS is an important tool for combating climate change, as it helps to reduce the amount of GHGs released into the atmosphere.